Storeton Woods: Countryside Code

This is a modified version of the 'countryside code' as all of the countryside code is common sense really.

1. Respect other people & their properties

Respect local people / other visitors
Don’t block gates / driveways / paths
Slow down or stop for Horses / Walker’s / Farm Animals
“by law cyclists MUST give way to walkers and horse-riders on bridleways”
Co-operate with people at work – follow instruction given by farmer e.g. stay back for you own safety when moving animals.
Busy traffic on country roads can be dangerous to people / visitors and wildlife so when you can leave your vehicle at home.
Leave gates as you find them, unless otherwise instructed e.g. keep gate closed.
Use gates, stiles or gaps in field boundaries if you can, don’t climb over walls, hedges and fences.
Don’t disturb ruins / historical sites.

2. Protect the Natural Environment

Leave no trace of your visit
Take your litter home is a criminal offence and harms wildlife.
Don’t damage the rocks, plants, trees which provide homes and food for the wildlife

3. Enjoy the Outdoors

Plan ahead and be prepared
You’re responsible for your own safety and for others in your care – especially children
Check weather forecasts before you leave.
Always tell someone where you're going, as if you have an accident you might not be able to get a signal and they might be able to raise the alarm.

4. Dog Owners

Keep it your dog in sight at all times
Ensure it does not stray off the path or area
Keep your dog on a lead if he/she won't return promptly on command.
Always clean up your dog mess regardless. Stops the spread of infections, and saves you getting fined a £1,000.

Remember you are responsible for your dogs actions; towards other dog's, children and the woods

Follow advice and local signs

Country Footpath


Open to walkers only, waymarked with a yellow arrow

Country Bridleway


Open to walkers, horse-riders and cyclists, waymarked with a blue arrow

Country: Restricted Byway

Restricted Byway

Open to walkers, cyclists, horse-riders and horse-drawn vehicles, waymarked with a plum coloured arrow